Friday, October 2, 2009


Thank you to everyone who has contacted me so far with weird and wonderful library stories. A strange theme is emerging, however. There seem to be an inordinate number of incidents involving fish. Yes, fish.

A perturbed library assistant recalls, among the many odd items left as bookmarks, a kipper. (And if you have any other odd bookmarks please let me know). A still traumatised library worker remembers being handed a carrier bag containing one book to be returned, plus a piece of cod. A smelly, unwrapped, piece of cod. The owner of which denied all knowledge and left it in the library. It is not known whether said library worker took it home for tea. Another librarian describes the elderly couple who come in every week and, lacking hearing aids, shout for the whole library to hear, "COD OR HADDOCK TONIGHT DEAR?" Elsewhere, fishnet stockings have also been found in a library book. Not sure why. Although they seemed to be unworn.

So keep the stories coming, fish related or otherwise, and be careful out there, for cod moves in mysterious ways, and libraries are truly strange plaices to be.


  1. I found a squashed spider inside the cover of, 'Peace from nervous suffering,'by Claire Weekes.
    Just glad the book was of some practical use for the borrower as for the spider I suppose it's a case of R.I.P.

  2. The oddest bookmark I've ever found was a rasher of raw streaky bacon.The olfactory effect was stunning, but the effect on the book was terminal as the fatty seepage had rendered most of the pages semi-transparent.I did pause to wonder where the borrower stores the rest of his breakfast.....What sadistic tendencies cause borrowers to injure my precioussesssss so mortally ?
