Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas chemo

Sorry folks - no post for a month and here's why. Chemotherapy. I am being steadily poisoned in the name of good health, and I've barely been able to lift my head off the pillow, let alone wave my fingers across a keyboard. Christmas and New Year in hospital, a lonely cracker and a drip for company...yeah ok, I'm laying it on a bit thick. I have had one or two visitors - even librarians have friends you know. But oh, those lonely hours on the ward. Still trying to find suitable reading matter - am two volumes into Proust. Seems appropriate reading for a hospital, as it was written by a famous hypochondriac obsessed with his bed, although the library copies I have got hold of came blinking into the light as if they had not been read for a very long time indeed! I have got some audio books but I keep falling asleep and struggling to find my place again - some readers have very soporific voices.
So - any recommendations for sickbed reading most welcome.
I would also love to hear from hospital librarians, and hospital information centres - big shout to the Robert Ogden Centre at St James's Leeds.
Please get in touch and I will post when I can.

1 comment:

  1. What a horrible Christmas! You must read some Nancy Mitford for comfort immediately!

    Laughter is the best medicine so I recommend some David Shrigley books (not much reading in them, so won't tire you out), any Alan Bennett and Lynn Barber's books of interviews as ridiculous celebs are always cheering.

    Or read some George Mackay Brown poetry, full of light and goodness.
