Friday, August 28, 2009

You want what?

I've had to answer some very strange questions over my library career - here are a few examples:

Where can I get a divorce?
Will you publish my memoirs?
What will these seeds grow into?
What colour paint goes with these cushion covers?
Do you sell condoms?
Would you open the automatic doors for me - I'm an eco warrior and I don't want to be responsible for using the energy?

And because I'm a good and dutiful librarian I try to answer them all!
Here are the answers, in no particular order - marijuana, a lawyer, no, yes, no, magnolia.

Have you ever been asked anything odd?

1 comment:

  1. Oh god...don't get me started on this one! The list is endless...the man who,upon being asked for his telephone number, suggested I rang his wife as he didn't know it, and was then surprised that I didn't know it either. Duh! The couple who didn't know their address..."We never write to ourselves..." Duh! The man who, after 20 minutes browsing asked me "Is this the library?", then ten minutes later " are you open?" Duh! The young lady who, being confronted by black screens on the public-use computers and a notice saying "Out of Order" came to me and said " but I only need one put on to to send a quick e-mail". Duh! The man who came in with only one shoe on and asked me where he'd left the other. Duh! The lady who asked me which railway trains she could use, for free, by presenting her bus-pass. Duh! There are more, so many more, after a quarter of a century's employment within the Library Service that I could write a book, however.... there are those still living who may..just may, recognise themselves and sue me!
