Wednesday, August 5, 2009

From the plinth to the fringe

Welcome one and all to this new libraries and books blog. I am Dorothea, and I'm (almost) all woman, but most particularly, all librarian. Whatever that means. I hope over the coming weeks and months to share many stories with you - stories of libraries, of books, borrowers, and lenders (of which I am both, with apologies to Polonius). And I hope you will share your stories with me.

My first story begins on the 9th of July, when a librarian took to the plinth in Trafalgar Square, and told a few tales, read a few poems, and stood up for books, for reading, and for libraries. The librarian loved being on the plinth, and had a great response from people far and wide who said how wonderful it was that people were talking about libraries, and reading, about how they loved libraries and books, and how it was about time someone stood up for them.

This made the librarian think that perhaps more people in more places had stories to tell, and things to say about libraries, and experiences to share, and were perhaps simply lacking the means or the mouthpiece to do it. After all, not everyone is willing or able to stand in the middle of London and shout about reading, and books, and libraries. I, for instance, am very shy, and much prefer to stay behind my library counter. But I and my colleagues told the librarian some stories, over a cup of tea, and the librarian thought that perhaps other people might like to hear our stories too, and so, with some trepidation, our heroic librarian decided to perform at the Ilkley Literature Festival fringe, and to be the mouthpiece for book and library lovers throughout the world, and tell some stories of these fantastic institutions and the people who frequent them.

And then, our hero, our brave, adventurous librarian, began to panic! "What if I don't have enough to say?" "What if no-one wants to hear about books and libraries anymore in this digital age?" and also, "What will I say if I bump into Alan Bennett in the wings?"

Dorothea to the rescue! For from my library counter, or my comfortable laptop at home, I can contact librarians, and book lovers throughout the world! They might have stories and experiences they are willing to share, or would like other people to hear. They may encourage and hearten you with their own passion for libraries and books.

So, book-lovers, library-lovers, librarians, page-turners, spine-breakers, book-stampers, indexers, card-fillers, dewey-dames, and dewey-dudes, please share your stories and experiences of libraries with Dorothea. She, like all the best librarians, can be trusted not to tell (or at least to change the names if she does). She will pass on the best to our brave librarian, who may in turn use them in the show at Ilkley. All anecdotes, however small, are welcome. All Joycean narratives of life in libraries will be read with pleasure. Libraries are changing - tell your tales now, or they may be lost forever. And our brave librarian will be able to go to Ilkley in October knowing that other people care, and want their stories to be heard.

This blog will be an archive of your stories, as well as a talking shop and a sounding board. It will also tell the story of our librarian hero and his journey from the plinth to the fringe.

1 comment:

  1. How I love this site! I only found you today, Dorothea, and already I can tell you are my kind of colleague! I shall remain anonymous until invited to be otherwise.....
